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Meet your coach


I’m Victoria Brunner and I coach busy individuals who want to stop saying ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ and start taking ownership for transforming their lives today. 


Maybe you’re feeling stuck and find yourself constantly saying ‘I just can’t do it’, we need to dig deep and find all of those things you think you can’t do, figuring out why you think you can’t, then challenging this to the point where you say ‘I can’.


I know what it feels like to lie awake at night feeling guilty about cancelling that dinner date with friends because you're too tired to go, feeling dread about the meeting you have tomorrow that you haven’t prepared for because actually deep down you just don’t care enough about this job, feeling so tired you can’t even remember the last time you even smiled at your partner, let alone gave her/him a kiss.

Your mind is quiet and that niggling voice is saying “I don’t want to live like this. Something needs to change, but I don’t know where to start. Ugh, I’ll  think about this tomorrow” And tomorrow leads into tomorrow leads into tomorrow leads into tomorrow. Sound familiar?

This is where coaching made me sit up and say ‘Enough is enough, I’m changing this life RIGHT now.” And I did. I still lie awake at night feeling all those emotions that were there before and will always be there, but I know them, I can feel them, I am comfortable with them and they don’t consume me. I can recognise how I’m feeling, why I’m feeling that way, and I do something about it. Most of the time anyway.


The world is becoming more aware of the need to not only look after our physical health, but also our emotional and psychological health. It’s so easy to look on social media and think that everyone else has their life all sorted and you’re the only one that doesn’t. But this is not the truth.


Aside from my qualifications in coaching, I’ve worked for over a decade in Secondary schools both in London and overseas. I’ve learned how to help people live better lives through the lessons I’ve learnt from the experiences I’ve had and the people I’ve met along the way.


Through battling with negative thoughts stemming from huge emotional trauma from my adolescence, to leaving work and sobbing on the motorway because I’m just so unbelievably fed up of feeling so stressed and knackered all of the time– I know that life can be hard.


But this must not get in our way of us changing our lives for the better. Who we are and how we live is our choice. I choose to help and support others who want to embark on a life-changing journey of self development and personal growth. This is what makes me wake up feeling energised and excited.


When I’m not coaching, I’m usually with my husband and my twins boys, charging around South-East London on bikes/foot/scooter/boat/roller skates... Life is fully-charged and constantly busy. I’ve grappled a lot with social anxiety and a fear of failure over the years. But I always remind myself that in order to thrive I must move forward, even when I feel the most discomfort and fear, to the point of running away screaming. This is why I help my clients to get results and to transform their lives. I know the pains and frustrations and obstacles that life brings, I’ve been there myself—so I coach from a place of deep understanding and connection.


You can change your life for the better. It’s totally within your reach, even if it feels just about as likely as winning the lottery. All you need is the right amount of help to get you moving.

I’m right here with you. Ready to get started? Simply get in touch using the form below.

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